Hour a day block

Here is the 1st block in Judy's Hour a Day quilt. The red is not quite that tomato-y. I'm picky about my cherry reds...prolly because I look AWFUL in tomato red..but great in cherry red! HA!

This is a close up of the center square. I'm glad I had enought of this to cut for the last border. All the reds, blues and neutrals are scrappy. I could not figure out what I wanted for the sashing, so that will be picked when I can audition some blocks.

I had a hard time making myself sit and do all of these at once..but now they are done..its nice to not have to go back and do those basic blocks!

I love to see these piles grow...another dog bed is well on its way! I took 3 into the closest shelter. They didn't get how they were made, but they took them happily! I think I have enough to stuff 3 more.
How do you make th dog beds with your scraps? I have been interested in making some up myself. I like the idea of nothing going to waste.
I love your fireworks fabric and red/white/blue quilt. It is going to be fabulous!
By the way, thanks for stopping by and reading my blog and for commenting the other day.
Second, I don't make dog beds, but I do have a ton of scraps. If you'd like them you can have them to make more dog beds.
Will have to get involved with Judy's hour a day next time. I'm still working on some ufo's.
I would bet you look great in pink!