Prickly pear cacti

I had made my mom a really pretty sweatshirt jacket with a reverse applique of a Christmas tree..this is the fabric I used...

Here is a prickly pear cactus. This one lives under a tree in our front yard. (yes, we have trees, rain, and even mountains and snow in Arizona! As well as that big hole in the ground ....hehehehehe)
After I told my mom FAITHFULLY that prickly pears NEVER have this color blossom...LOOK what I found when I went out to the mailbox!!??

Isn't it amazing that in a dry hot place like this, you can see something as pretty as this flower? I will post this cacti again ....if it blooms like last year- it
I have a confession. When my exhusband lived with us in Tennessee, he was obsessed with the southwest. Our whole house looked like something off of Ponderosa. Complete with the cacti you feature here. The Legal Adult was always getting stuck by them. So, when he left, I told him to take them with him and he came and got them. 12 years later, he still has them in planters.
Yours look so much better than ours did, maybe because they are supposed to grow in Arizona, not Tennessee.
Cheers, Tracey