Still no camera...but I have PICTURES!
Well...I am waiting IMPATIENTLY for that new camera! You know, the money I saved, that seems SO important to not as important as I thought! HA! (if you followed that line of thinking, you really ARE my friend!) At this point I would REALLY love to have that camera! :::drumming fingers on the desk::::
Any way, I have PICTURES! Julie No blog (she CLAIMS she has a baseball one, but will NOT share the address with me...suspicious at best!) and her DH took lovely pictures of our auction quilt. It arrived safely in California at its destination ...ready for the auction tomorrow. We collaborated on this...and discovered ONE THING: we wish we lived CLOSER! (do you think our husbands are listening??) We are planning to do this again....with a bit more lead time on the deadline next time!

This is the top

The backing ....(the angel block is the label)

And a close up of the quilting. I am still using
the waterworld panto. The thread is a jewel tone variegated...King Tut...worked up
VERY nicely. I had a hard time parting with this. I used a jelly roll..and it only took about half of the roll. I may just have to make another one for ME...maybe I will share custody of that one with Julie No blog....hehehehehe :::grin::::
I am planning on branching out with a different panto SOON!
I was searching for something the other day in a file drawer, and found a SLEW of pantos I had purchased early in my machine quilting career. Some you have to make copies of (legally I PROMISE!), and then tape together to make the length you want. I have started putting clear Contact paper on all of my pantos ...after a minor unfortunate accident with a drinking glass set on one. It ran ....still very much usable, but a bit unsightly.
Any way, I have PICTURES! Julie No blog (she CLAIMS she has a baseball one, but will NOT share the address with me...suspicious at best!) and her DH took lovely pictures of our auction quilt. It arrived safely in California at its destination ...ready for the auction tomorrow. We collaborated on this...and discovered ONE THING: we wish we lived CLOSER! (do you think our husbands are listening??) We are planning to do this again....with a bit more lead time on the deadline next time!

This is the top

The backing ....(the angel block is the label)

And a close up of the quilting. I am still using
the waterworld panto. The thread is a jewel tone variegated...King Tut...worked up
VERY nicely. I had a hard time parting with this. I used a jelly roll..and it only took about half of the roll. I may just have to make another one for ME...maybe I will share custody of that one with Julie No blog....hehehehehe :::grin::::
I am planning on branching out with a different panto SOON!
I was searching for something the other day in a file drawer, and found a SLEW of pantos I had purchased early in my machine quilting career. Some you have to make copies of (legally I PROMISE!), and then tape together to make the length you want. I have started putting clear Contact paper on all of my pantos ...after a minor unfortunate accident with a drinking glass set on one. It ran ....still very much usable, but a bit unsightly.