Happy New Year! I have to ask, how do you feel about resolutions? I have never been a consistent MAKER Of them...much less KEEPER of them. This year I have resolved to make a few but call them GOALS. Resolutions seem to be made to be broken. Goals, if you stumble or miss a day, encourage you to get back up and keep going. Have you made any? How far do you think you will get? I hope I go all year!

My two goals this year:

1. get out of the house everyday. I have discovered in the past couple of yrs that I am an introvert. This will be a mystery to those who know me in person...I am a talker! HA! I read someplace that if you come home from a lively party....lots of people, lots of conversation...and you are energized-you are an extrovert. That is SO not me! Don't get me wrong...I like it. Often I am not excited about GOING, but I enjoy myself when I get there. When I get home I am ready to dive into my house and STAY THERE! This has spurred me to not schedule too many social activities in a week. Introvert is good....being a hermit is not. Going to the dog park, taking the dog for a walk or just going into the backyard are all acceptable.

2. Sew something EVERYDAY. I am just a happier person. It lights up my soul. The colors...the textures..making something out of scraps. All of it. I am easier to live with... It gives my mind something to chew on...keeps it lively... It is a God given gift and I intend to use it daily!

Happy New Year!

PS  1a yesterday I went to the movies : Fantastic Beasts and where to find them. If you like Harry Potter you will like this. New characters and new creatures. I thought it was fun.

2a I sewed parts of Bonnie Hunter's En Provence mystery and borders for my Dad's Carpenter's star quilt. I am behind 2 clues as I had ordered her ruler and it arrived yesterday. I was glad to have a reason to get going on his quilt. I want it on the frame by the end of the week. Two borders to go!


Darling Jill Quilts said…
Back to blogging! Me, too! lol Great goals. I need to stick to some simple ones.

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