coming up for air!

Well, ONE project is DONE DONE DONE! I sent this quilt:
on to Alycia. Cross your fingers it will arrive on Thursday, so she can deliver them on FRIDAY! Oh I would LOVE to be a fly on the wall when she delivers them! I wonder how many quilts total she will have to deliver? I think she is up to 42..Her mail lady will be BUSY this week!
If you look at a close up of the top, you can still see all the safety pins! I still had to SID up and down..but I had to get a picture before the light faded! ROTLF I DID take them out/wash/dry before I boxed them up. I also sent this one...that is the one did peacock echos ALL OVER. Boy what a labor of love...They both were 'quilt-cased' and had a card to go with. Not sure about that card...Alycia will tell me if I was off base or not...Right Alycia????
NOW all I have left to do is stuff and stitch all those hand print pillows closed ..THEN I can move on to loading those new handles on my HQ! It is sitting there..just TAUNTING me. Can't ya hear it?....what? can't?...oh dear, I'm hearing sewing maching voices now! I need a quilty fix!