Why does Murphy seem to live at my house?

Does this happen to you? We have garbage and recycle pick up in our town once a week. We have a big tan wheelie can for the garbage and a big green wheelie can for the recyclables. Now I have trouble remembering to put them out the night before (really you are supposed to put them out at 6 am..but I REFUSE to get up that early JUST for the garbage!!), so usually I put them out as I'm taking my kiddo to school (NOT at 6am...). Now on the days I put it out at taxi time...I usually have missed one of the pickups. It comes that early...BUT on the days, I DO remember to put it out the night before? They dont' come around till about 5 PM! HOW DO THEY KNOW? Does someone sit outside my neighborhood...and check to see if my cans are out? I cannot tell you how many times this has happened to me. I guess I just need to mark the calendar the day before pickups with a HUGE RED MARKER. No reason I could not put them out....say....the MORNING of the day before? Think they would come the day AFTER pick up day in that case?
Sorry to not have anything quilty...I have misplaced my camera. I'm afraid I took it to sewing class. If that it the case, I may be purchasing a new one soon! DRAT! Back soon with a niftier post.
Need a quick gifty/project? Check out Morah's cute luggage tag tutorial! I think I'm stash diving today. I have been wanting to make these ever since I saw hers last fall( or winter...I forget!). I may need one for vacation...:::Grin::::
Putting them out in the morning is not even an option here, the pickup comes between 4:30 and 5:30 am, without fail.
The companion law is that if I forget to put the recycling out, that's the weekend I decide to weed out the filing cabinets and wind up with boxes of paper and not enough room in the bin.