off duty and a block swap!

I am off duty this weekend! I have a list a mile long..and still here I sit on the computer! As soon as I post this, I'm OFF!

Anyone interested in a block swap? This is a small swap : 25 max (so 24 blocks to send) with a 2 month swapping date. Here is the block: This is the tutorial (and I got permission to use her instructions for this swap. Always a good idea to ask!)

And here is a picture of two of my blocks:

one with striped fabric
and one with a pieced center. There are a few more examples on her tutorial page.
Anyone in? I have about 5 more spots open. Minimum 20 (19 blocks to make)
and maximum 25 (24 blocks to me)
I can send you the playing rules upon request. 2 month countdown starts this Friday Feb 22nd.
Hope to swap soon!


I can't wait to get started!

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