Happy Birthday to my only daughter!
Who ARE these young people? and WHY are they holding my daughter!? (that is the dress my mom put ME in when I had my 1st Christmas. I hope I still have it packed away someplace!
Today is a very good day for me. I know there is bad history on this day..but in my date book..it is VERY special! I'm so proud of her. She has done things that most women would never dream of. I can honestly say she is my hero! And next week I get to hug on her!
Wasn't she sweet!? She still IS..but strong too. I would not want to cross her...no way no how! Happy Birthday! (You didn't think you would slide by on this day, did you Chicpilot?) hehehehehehehehe!
And I have had that dress you're wearing!
Happy Birthday Chicpilot!