have you ever had THIS happen?
I have NEVER seen this happen. I'm not a world class quilter or anything...but when you buy a spool of thread from a reputable company...you think you are getting a CONTINUOUS piece of thread... I was quilting along and my top thread broke. I checked the tension and it was REALLY tight. Checking along the thread path...all is well, till I get to the spool. Its kinda wrapped on itself. Takes me a minute to see what the problem is...
The thread is in two pieces. I have never had a spool with two pieces of thread...they have always been continuous. Have you ever had this happen? Or do I need to get out of my sewing room more often?
I was hoping to have this off my frame already, but my older son came to visit me yesterday AND today. Its for HIM...so I could not work on it while he was here! I KINDA had to shoo him away....WAAAAAAAA! I did take him to dinner before I told him "its Christmas time and I need some time to finish things you cannot help with'. Do you think that was diplomatic enough? lolol