organizing update

My house organizing seems to go in fits and starts. I WANT to have my kitchen clean every night when I go to bed, but I just seem to run out of steam and gumption RIGHT about that time! I still stick FIRMLY to Flylady's "I can do ANYTHING for 15 mins'. SO, I keep plugging along. We can still walk in here, we have clean clothes, eat food off clean plates..and the dogs are healthy...maybe I need to do a wall hanging? Clean enough to be healthy, dirty enough to be happy? or how about 'I LIVE here, get over it'?? lol

Here is a small update. Remember this post about the plastic bins I found at the Dollar Store?

Here it is almost done. I still need a few labels, but
things are not falling out on our heads. I think my family is finding
it easier to get their hands on what they want. A couple need even one MORE label.
Its a start.
And just so you know how much I DONT" get done? Here is what the DESK looks like under this

Reality! to do another 15 mins!


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