Poor Chewie!

This is Chewie when he arrived here in February. Just groomed in SD.

 This is Chewie today. Poor guy! His Mimi (bad BAD mimi) took too long to find him a groomer. He needed to be shaved to get rid of all the mats. We have a saying in our house that the difference between a good haircut and a bad hair cut is about 3 days. In Chewie's case..I would say more like a month! He does not seem to be mad at me...AND its hot outside, so he should be a good deal cooler.
Buddy looks GOOD! he is very soft and only needed a trim around the eyes.

Rally got his body shaved. He looks good too! Rookie is sniffing all the dogs to see what kind of body spray they favor! Rookie stayed home and seemed to enjoy being the only dog for a couple of hours. Poor Chewie!


Angie said…
This is just too cute, Beth!!! Poor little Chewie, like my Bayley, has been neglected---my Bayley has FLEAS!!! First time I've had to deal with this in all the many many years that I have had dogs. I've been in a panic...do people have long-haired daschunds shaved? I spent all day yesterday washing bedding, rugs, hound, sprinkling carpet with borax/salt then vacuuming AGAIN this a.m. Any suggestions? I think all of the furbabies in your house look comfortable now. :D Tail wags from Bayley and Marlee to all of yours'. :)
fancystitching said…
Poor Chewie, but at least it WILL grow out. That is what I have to say when my stylist cuts my hair too short. It just means I won't have to visit him quite as often. If your temps are as warm as ours (100s) then Chewie is probably very glad his hair is short.

I hope the fires are not near you. It is so sad what is happening in AZ, NM, and TX, as well as the Gulf Coast states.


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