silly Rags!

Look at this silly cat! She used to climb on the tub edge between the shower curtain and the liner. I would scratch the curtain and she would POUNCE on my hand. It was our game. I have never seen her lounge in the tub like this! She even stayed and posed for me after I went to get the camera. Silly old lady! She just ADORES my older son's girlfriend. As soon as she enters the house, Rags appears out of nowhere from whereever she has been lounging. I wish she would not antagonize the terrier tho. I used to think it was the terrier riling HER up..but it is the other way around! Poor dog got in trouble for standing up for himself. I thought about naming her Groucho in honor of her 'mustache', but it was too macho. So Ragamuffin is it.
I have caught Pippi goofing around in the bathroom several times but other than her hopping in the tub she is off like a shot when I head towards her. I would love to know just what she is up to!