Almost ready to start!?
I know! I have not given you fabric requirements! How on EARTH are you supposed to pick fabrics ( my FAVORITE part of a to piecing!) if I don't tell you HOW MUCH! OK...I must confess...I had a bit of trouble on the side triangles. I'm piecing this on point. YOU dont' have to do the math!

PPTHHHHH! Anyway....I will have the WHOLE top to show you day after tomorrow (thats Friday if you are not reading this on Wednesday), but here are the amts if you love to stash dive like I do!:
Sew along fabric list:
Neutral (cream on cream) 3 yards
blue 3/4 yard
gold 1/3 yard
red ½ yard
I have tried to make these generous amts but not overly padded. Example: the neutral needs just over 2 3/4..I rounded up to 3. I dont' know about you, but I have been known to flub a cut now and then. I ended up using three different neutrals that are about the same shade of cream. I had one yard of each one. I know some of you will want to do this scrappy, so I will try to give you totals of each cut as we go along. If I forget and you want it, just e-mail me and I will post it. If you want it, chances are someone else will need it to. It will be fun to see what other colors are picked. If you would like to share, send me a picture and I will post it for everyone to see. If you are a new quilter, dont' be shy! I will be happy to answer any questions the best I can. Sometimes problems will seem like a mountain to YOU..but will have an easy solution. OK..enuf with the wordy stuff....I'm off to finish the WHOLE top so you can SEE it!
PS...just if you were interested, I used 3 diff neutrals, one blue, one gold and every scrappy red I could find...see you tomorrow.

PPTHHHHH! Anyway....I will have the WHOLE top to show you day after tomorrow (thats Friday if you are not reading this on Wednesday), but here are the amts if you love to stash dive like I do!:
Sew along fabric list:
Neutral (cream on cream) 3 yards
blue 3/4 yard
gold 1/3 yard
red ½ yard
I have tried to make these generous amts but not overly padded. Example: the neutral needs just over 2 3/4..I rounded up to 3. I dont' know about you, but I have been known to flub a cut now and then. I ended up using three different neutrals that are about the same shade of cream. I had one yard of each one. I know some of you will want to do this scrappy, so I will try to give you totals of each cut as we go along. If I forget and you want it, just e-mail me and I will post it. If you want it, chances are someone else will need it to. It will be fun to see what other colors are picked. If you would like to share, send me a picture and I will post it for everyone to see. If you are a new quilter, dont' be shy! I will be happy to answer any questions the best I can. Sometimes problems will seem like a mountain to YOU..but will have an easy solution. OK..enuf with the wordy stuff....I'm off to finish the WHOLE top so you can SEE it!
PS...just if you were interested, I used 3 diff neutrals, one blue, one gold and every scrappy red I could find...see you tomorrow.