have you tried this?

I just found a Quilty name generator! Good fun! It called me..wait..I had to write it down. I almost fell off my chair...hehehehehe

Hot Mama of Artsy Fanciful Quilts

TA DA! All I need now is some kind of scepter or tiara! If you would like to try it,here is the link:Quilty Name generator

Anyone sewing today? I will be! I have two football games to watch...My Alma mater, Vanderbilt is playing against Boston College (uh oh! my kiddo swears he will play for the Boston Red Sox AND attend Boston College at the SAME TIME! This is a kid that has lived in Arizona all of his life but the 1st 4 MONTHS! Where did he get this obsession with BOSTON???) I smell a small uprising! If you see smoke coming from our direction, send HELP! lolol The 2nd bowl game involves the Air Force Academy. My husband and my daughter both gradutated from AFA. (My dad is a West Point grad...smell another uprising???) I am going to run to the base today to see if I can get my laptop fixed. I can sign on to my home router, but cannot get on the internet. FRUSTRATING! It would be nice to have to connections again. I have to SHARE with two MEN....:::SIGH::::

update: I tried the name generator again and I got:

Dutchess of Can't see a Darn Thing!

I guess if you are 51 and wear TRI focal glasses, this FITS! It must be ME!


Celtic Heart said…
I'm the Grand Dutchess of Uunsewing :) Great website :) I'm passing that on to my guild :)

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