
My neighbors gave me these for my birthday on Monday. I have really enjoyed them and they are still going strong! I have always been a blue girl, but I look very good in pink. I'm learning to enjoy it more!(please ignore the MESS in the background! HA!)


Angie said…
I love those pink tulips, girl! I'm not much of a pink person either, but every now and then something pink reaches out and grabs me...those tulips do and also miniature pink roses. :) I really like your HAD doen in those r/w/b! That fireworks fabric is wonderful! And O.M.G. your birthday gifts from you Mom are PRICELESS!!! ROFL I LOVED that bikini song....ROFL, and your tutu and shoes....oh Beth, those are just adorable!! :>)
Elaine Adair said…
Oh Beth - I thought what you call "the mess" was artfully arranged! Everything DOES look quite color coordinated! Aren't we all getting silly?

The tulips are so pretty, and here I am, thinking about my tulips on my blank table, (on my blog) except for the everyday place mats. I had a hard time getting a decent camera angle to avoid MY MESS in the background! LOL

Who says quilters don't have fun. A lot of folks think we are just a bunch of blue-haired ole ladies (when in fact a lot of us are 'colored the gray' ole ladies.
Sweet P said…
I am soooo a tulips person. I haven't bought any yet this year, must do that soon. My favorite color is purple.

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