A Good productive day!

FINALLY! I have not felt well since last Wednesday night. Today I got two junky drawers organized, 3 loads of laundry done and put away (our electrical rates go up at 1pm, so I have to plan accordingly), and cleaned up after my muddy dog. :::::sigh::::

My husband was kind enough to hang two simple hooks for me. I found a curtain rod that extends to 151" to hang from it. Along with rings with clips to hang a quilt from, I'm in business! Now I can take pictures of my quilt with NO FEET hanging out the bottom!! Here are some pictures of the Matchstick Marimba I taught in August. I'm a pieced backing fan...and a close up of the hanging system. I'm off to sew a bit before I have to wrestle my son into bed. Tomorrow I have all day to myself. I MIGHT hit the base grocery...but then again...maybe I will sew all day! I would love to have the Rolling Pins top done.... Now that I see the pictures posted, there are no feet hanging out. BUT, there is a dog bowl lurking in the background. I will have to work on that.

Here is a close up of the insert I put in the binding. I have done this in a border before, but never at the binding. I have gotten more comments on that than anything else!

I tried to post this yesterday, but to no avail. I'm a day late...oh well...off to soccer practice.


SuBee said…
Hey AF Brat! Pleased to meet ya - I'm an AF mom! My daughter spent her hitch in Bosnia, back in the day.
I love that matchstick quilt -- how cool!! I'm enjoying your blogs AND your quilts. Do you ever get to actually use them? We're still hot during the day, but nightime is a 4 quilt affair; it's cold.
I'm off to check out some more of your blog...Toodles!
Angie said…
Hey girl, your quilts are beautiful. I haven't seen that insert at the binding before either. And oh what an awesome setup for hanging your quilts! Gotta love that! Glad you're feeling better.
Nancy said…
I tried to comment yesterday but Blogger wouldn't let me so I came back today. Because I wanted to tell you I really love that quilt. AND it's funky back.
Anonymous said…
Thank you for taking a close-up pic of your binding, which I really like, because it showed the hook and hanging method. Very creative!!
Elaine Adair said…
So happy to see a close up of the hangars and rod, etc. I'm looking for the clip on hangers ... cannot find them, out here in the boonies where I live. (Not available at the Irrigation Shops!) LOL

Love your colors - great, original ideas!
Tonya Ricucci said…
Beautiful, fun, bright quilt - I love it. I love that backing too - I would be tempted to alternate which side of the quilt is shown.
Anonymous said…
Very beautiful!

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