I'm ALONE! is only TEMPORARY. And that is ok! My husband retired from his 2nd job in 2005 and I'm STILL acclimating to the fact that I rarely have the house to myself. Countless times I have spent my mornings busy doing housework or lunch..and JUST sit down in the sewing room for a few minutes before picking up the kiddo at school, and SOMEONE needs my undivided attention for what I consider not necessary to interrupt my QUILTING HOUR!!!! To be honest, sometimes the dogs won't let me settle in there either. Must be a conspiracy!
Do you ever feel like your sewing talents are being...well ...not used to their best ability? Here is what I saw this morning...laying sweetly between my terrier's paws.

SO, like a good sewing mama, I had to pull out quilting thread and needle to give this bone a good mending. VOILA! Now it is good for another week or so. I will be able to tell it needs another mending when I find stuffing ALL over the living room carpet. Naughty doggies!
Do you ever feel like your sewing talents are being...well ...not used to their best ability? Here is what I saw this morning...laying sweetly between my terrier's paws.

SO, like a good sewing mama, I had to pull out quilting thread and needle to give this bone a good mending. VOILA! Now it is good for another week or so. I will be able to tell it needs another mending when I find stuffing ALL over the living room carpet. Naughty doggies!
-- amazing dust storms - never have I seen such a photo
-- love the limericks
--thanks for the yo-yo maker photos and clear instructions - I've been tempted to buy them but didn't know if they worked! Great job!
There once was a woman from Lanore
Whose mouth was as wide as a door
While attempting to grin
She slipped and fell in
And laid inside out on the floor!